Wednesday, August 17, 2011

this & that

  • Miranda awoke to a laughing Kookaburra her first morning in Australia. Needless to say, I have had the Kookaburra song stuck in my head ever since.
  • I just read my husband's latest blog post... about unresolved issues and forgiveness. Both of which I am grappling with big-time. Please take the time to read it.
  • I recently lost 20 lbs. I know, I'm as shocked as the rest of you. I've been 10 lbs. overweight for years... but gained another 10 after my Dad's passing a year and a half ago. 
  • I cut out carbonated beverages and butter the first two months. Made a huge difference.
  • And I've continued to make healthy choices. Thank you Lord.
  • I have yet to start exercising. I keep waiting for the weather to cool off. Not going to happen till Thanksgiving. That could be a problem.
  • Meadowbrook Farm recently posted about the zip line they built over the pond on their farm for their son's wedding... along with a few trash the dress images. So awesome.
  • watched Soul Surfer last night. Cried through the whole movie.
  • Miranda feeding a Kangaroo. She now wants one as a pet. 


    1. Great post Linda!
      But girl, you've always looked thin to me!
      I have pics of our blogger luncheon up, come by if you can.
      Hugs friend,
      And thanks for driving me home and taking me shopping too!
