Friday, August 12, 2011

Miranda's in Australia!

My daughter Miranda arrived in Australia!
I woke up at 5am this morning and she had posted this picture along with ~

I've seen a crocodile in the wild, scrub turkeys, I've stood on the beach, 
seen glimpses of the rainforest... I must be in Australia!

And this here mama took a deep breath and gave thanks to the Lord!

I am so excited for her! She is spending 2 weeks with her friend Phoebe,
that she became best friends with while studying in England for 6 months in 2009.

They have not been together since their last adventure in Greece. (below)
I love this post ~
when they got all weepy while being serenaded to "Let It Be" ~
knowing they would be saying good-bye in a few days.

Notice that Miranda brought along this hat (top pic)
After Miranda says goodbye to Phoebe this time,
she will be spending 4 days in Sidney.
Please pray for her safety and that she experiences blessings around every single corner!


  1. Oh she is having so much fun!! I have never been to Australia, but would LOVE to go. Hope she has a grand and safe time!!! Thanks for stopping by...I am super late getting by to see you, but I always love seeing what we have in common!

  2. This does sound like she is having a ball.

    I had the best time yesterday, and it was so fun to get together and visit. Hope we can all get together soon. Hugs, Marty
