Saturday, August 13, 2011

AZ Bloggers Luncheon

Liz, me, Laura's daughter, Laura, Cindy, Marty and Ceekay

Whenever my 4-H friend Cindy comes to town, we have a bloggers luncheon in her honor. So much fun gathering with these gals. We take forever to order because we're talking non-stop. Thankfully we had the sweetest waiter who took several group shots using each of our cameras. Hey, you know bloggers, we never go anywhere without our cameras.

Cindy & I both have granddaughters born 10 months ago... one day apart.

We celebrated Marty's birthday by sharing a slice of yummy cheesecake. 
And The Cheesecake Factory serves up the best!

Thank you Laura, for the exquisite french lavender-filled strawberry sachet pincushion 
you made for each of us! Oh my gosh, smells divine!
I couldn't wait to position it just so... in my bowl of vintage sewing trim.

Be sure to click each blogger's name so you can view their lovely blogs!


  1. Way fun! Love the picture!! And how cute to have the sachet in the sewing bowl...that I soon will see for myself!

  2. I had such a great time. It was so fun to get together with everyone. Can't wait to do it again. Hugs, Marty

  3. I wondered if Cindy was there with you now! She e-mailed me about her new little Arizona baby!

  4. It was so much fun Linda!!!
    And I had so much fun shopping and visiting with you afterwards.
    I am so glad that everyone is able to meet up with me...Love all these gals!
    When you get to Wisconsin try to stop by...or just give me a ring!!
    Hugs friend,

  5. What a great way to spend an afternoon. Love where you have postioned your strawberry.

    My pics will be up on Wednesday.
