Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11 Healing Field

9/11 Healing Field '04
This weekend marks the 8th Annual Memorial Healing Field at Tempe Beach Park.
I will never forget the moment I saw this stunning display of 3000 flags representing the victims of 9/11. Randy & I had decided to park on the other side of Tempe Town Lake 
and walk across the bridge.
We had no idea what we were about to witness.
I remember gasping... and then bursting into tears. 

Every single flag has a yellow ribbon attached along with a laminated card 
with the name and picture of each and every victim of 9/11
9/11 Healing Field '08

Take a moment to read Ellie Lobel's story. So heartbreaking.

May we never forget...

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing. It brought tears to my eyes. As I've been reading newspapers from around the USA, I've been thrilled to see over and over the determination of American people to REMEMBER. Thanks for posting.
