Sunday, September 11, 2011

Family Camp 2011

Family Camp was so wonderful and refreshing.
After a month of record breaking heat in the valley ~ the mountains were a welcome relief.
My little friend Cheyenne even befriended the camp butterfly.

Family Camp '10
Family Camp '11

Man oh man, what a difference a year makes!
I remember trying to imagine emolyn's sister joining us this year...
and now we can't imagine life without the little "e" sisters!

The Craft Shack is one of my favorite places to be at Mountain Meadow Ranch.
So peaceful and just oozing with creative energy.
My husband even caught the crafting bug. (see him and our son Shawn in the back?)

Ok, so it took him a few tries before he nailed it. (the stick broke on the first one)
But I love it and we have it hanging in our cozy cottage.

So proud of my husband's handiwork.

emolyn & her Daddy decorated a frame using fallen bark, leaves and acorns.

The homemade boat races on Christopher Creek are always a highlight of the weekend.
Here the crowds await the results of the race and the best design.

Hey, check back for future posts ~

* the most amazing camp food EVER *
 * picnic on the RIM after camp ended *


  1. That looks so neat Linda!
    Love your pics too, I would love to have something like that around here.
    It's amazing to have these little girls in our lives isn't it?
    I noticed that the Mommy could still carry Elsie in a front carrier. Those days are long gone for Addison...she just runs everywhere and her Grandma is so tired! hehe.

  2. Your family camp time looks like so much fun...enjoy every bit of it while the kids are young ....then there's the this is really fun!! Mel
