Friday, September 16, 2011

best camp food EVER

Foods you never thought you'd utter at camp ~ much less ingest!

 Beef, chicken & fish Street Tacos for lunch! Mmm, I love Talapia fish tacos!

Seriously the best dessert-in-a-glass ~ Horchata ~

Chicken Marsala w/ capers ~ Baked Ziti ~ Caesar Salad for supper...

... followed by Tiramisu for dessert. I KNOW! Crazy good!

Oh my gosh, the Circus Carnival food was AMAZING!

~ Homemade Indian Fry Bread ~

Churros ~ teriyaki pork-on-a-stick ~ best rice dish EVER!

and the CORN... OMG, seriously, talk amongst yourselves... I need a moment. YUM!

~ chocolate-covered grahams ~
 ~ chocolate-covered frozen bananas-in-a-stick ~ 
~ chocolate-covered marshmallows-on-a-stick ~

My dear friend & camp chef Michelle 
master-minded & executed this illustrious menu.
Thank you Michelle! 
Truly THE best camp food EVER!

PS ~ I neglected to bring my camera to the dining hall when appetizers were being served upon our arrival at camp. We're talking The Best of Bruschetta. I'm serious ~ THE BEST! The dessert bruschetta was my favorite ~ a thin layer of Marscarpone cheese, melon and Nutella ~ served warm from the oven. I have yet to stop thinking about that first bite, and that last bite, and every bite in between... changed my life forever.


  1. looks fantastic and obviously it tasted that way too!

  2. Vivian5:55 PM

    I have never seen nor experienced camp food like this in my life. I could see myself going to camp again if they served food like this! I can't believe how good this looks.
