Saturday, September 17, 2011

picnic on the rim

Family Camp ended after lunch on Labor Day Monday. So our daughter Miranda and son Tyler drove up from Phoenix to join us on the Mogollon Rim for a picnic. And just so you know, Miranda & I did not plan to be all mother/daughter matchy-matchy. But I'm glad Nancy took this picture of us looking all cute & matchy. ha!
We were excited to have our dear friends Terry & Nancy also join us for the day.

Check out this incredible image that Nancy captured while following us up the mountain.
I almost cried when she sent it to me the next day! I love it that much!

We immediately gathered in a circle at our favorite camp site...
to hear all about Miranda's Australian adventures...
and Terry & Nancy's Scotland & Ireland adventures!
Be sure to check out Miranda's blog and Nancy's blog for the whole scoop!

Uncle Tyler picked a flower for his little elsie lane.

Nothing warms my heart more than family & friends gathered around a meal.

Oh elsie, I can't believe you're going to be a year old in a month.

We wanted to give the young folks some time to visit... but instead got a concert.
Yes, they all sing beautifully... and harmonize angelically.

My oldest son Shawn is the best husband, Daddy and friend.

Randy & I found these Amish Acres wooden pop guns at my little thrift store for a dollar.
emolyn is quite proficient at "popping her popper". 
(we say that, rather than "shooting her gun")

Oh my, that look of determination ~ I'm thinkin' a remake titled "Emolyn Get Your Popper"!

We later watched the sunset over the largest expanse of Ponderosa pines in the nation,
and then headed back down the mountain to start another week... 
and to tolerate the ongoing heat.

Hey, guess what? Randy & I just returned from the most amazing trip EVER!!
Pictures and posts coming soon!


  1. BEAUTIFUL....Pines, Camper shot and family gathering!!! You are so blessed.....Mel's Designs from the Cabin...Mel

  2. Love the picture of you and Uncle Randy! Ya'll are so cute!
