Tuesday, November 22, 2011

my blog friend Heidi

That happens to be the name of a blog that I've been reading for the past 5 years. And yesterday I got to spend the day with the author of that blog! And I am not even kidding, it was as though Heidi and I had known each other for years! We have so much in common. We clicked instantly. We talked about everything. And then we talked while eating lunch. And then like any shopping extraordinaires, we talked all the while shopping and thrifting. We had so much fun getting to know each other!
Heidi was here in Tempe with her family from Denver (Maren- 6 & Porter- 2) to support her husband while he competed in the Ironman Arizona on Sunday. He did amazing and finished the race in 15 hours. I can't even imagine ~ 2.4 mile swim ~ 112 mile bike ~ 26.2 mile run. No way! I'm exhausted thinking about it!

Before we hit a few of my favorite thrift stores, I took Heidi to SAS Fabrics Tempe. First of all, isn't she adorable! And oh my gosh, I forgot how much I love SAS! I found a couple remnants of colored burlap ($2.99 a yd.) along with 4 yards of burlap fringe ($.49 a yd.).

And then we stopped at the ARC of Tempe thrift store.
And much to our delight & surprise ~ everything in the store is 50% off this week!
And yes, I got that cake stand for 2 dollars.
And it's displaying the sweetest gift from Heidi!!
(containing 3 madagascar bourbon vanilla beans along with the recipe on the back)
I can't wait to make my very own homemade vanilla extract!
And I absolutely love the rooster cookie cutter!

Thank you sooo much Heidi!  What a truly fantastic day!


  1. What a fun day! I am jealouos. I WILL meet Heidi someday! (And maybe you too!)

  2. Linda, it was SUCH a delight to meet you and spend time with you! I enjoyed it so very much and it only makes me wish I could meet ALL of my dear blog friends in person!

  3. What a fun day and what great finds! I've always wanted to make my own vanilla....I'll have to give it a try!
