Tuesday, November 15, 2011

pinterest, the Packers & peppermint pretzels

  • I've had a bad cold for over a week. So what does one do when one's sick?
  • Well, lots of pinning on Pinterest. Want to see my boards? Clic HERE.
  • The Green Bay Packers are 9-0. How cool is that!
  • Bought the peppermint/ white chocolate dipped snowflake pretzels at Costco yesterday. Oh my gosh, so yummy good!
  • My husband is building me the pantry of my dreams. The big reveal coming soon.
  • Bought the cutest roller skating t-shirt in Door County... on clearance at Target!
  • I love it because my Mom & Dad met at a roller skating rink.
  • And Randy's parents met at a roller skating rink.
  • And Randy & I did not. But you can read how we met HERE.
  • The latest ultrasound showed the twins are a boy and a girl. Emolyn was right all along! That girl's a prophet.
  • Be sure to check out my shared kids bedroom board. Cuteness overload.
  • Speaking of cute. (photos curtesy of Cora Kingston Photography
elsie & daddy
elsie lane- 1 year old


  1. Love your heading picture, then I fell in love with those eyes of your darling daughter....hope you feel better...Mel's Designs is new to Pinterest...and learning my way around it....maybe I'll run in to you on there....I'm jealous of your hubby building you a food pantry....oh my gosh...how neat is that!! Mel's Designs

  2. Hi Linda,
    Cute pic of Elsie! She must be running too now! Congrats on the boy/girl twins, that is so majorly wonderful my dear!
    So happy they are getting a boy too, althoug he will be quite outnumbered!
    Can't wait to see the pantry and Go Pack Go, Dan is so thrilled!
