Friday, November 25, 2011

repurposing Packer apparel

To celebrate the Green Bay Packers 11-0 record,
I'm going to show you what I did to the Packer t-shirt I bought for my granddaughter.

Hey, you don't tour Lambeau Field without bringing back t-shirts for your favorite girls! 
But I had to laugh, because after this little photo shoot, 
Emolyn said to me ever so sweetly ~
"Mimi, I don't like looking like a boy. I like dressing like a girl."

Well then, I know a challenge when I see one!
So the day before Thanksgiving I went to the ARC and bought a mens t-shirt for a dollar.
I didn't have emolyn's t-shirt with me,
so I had not a clue as to whether the greens would match.
But they did! Perfectly!

I could not have been more pleased with the final results! 
The t-shirt dress turned out just as I had envisioned it would.
I didn't have time to transform Elsie's t-shirt,
but you can be sure that come Super Bowl XLVI ~ hers will be completed too.
Umm, hello! The Packers better be playing in the Super Bowl!!

So, did I take a picture of Emolyn wearing the dress on Thanksgiving Day ~
during the Green Bay Packers awesome WIN over the Lions? Heck no! 
Thankfully she was thrilled with the dress but before I could snap a picture,
she was on to more important apparel. Like fancy princess dresses.

I'm linking up with my favorite link parties ~


  1. LOVE!!!! I wish I knew how many of these I made when all my nieces were little... before I had kids. So quick and easy to make! I'm sure Em was thrilled! Hope you were able to watch the game. Hate to hear your cable wasn't working!

  2. I thought of you when we were watching the game! :)

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Very cute! Maybe some lace trim along the bottom would add to the girliness too.

    You're so creative!

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