Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving '11

I'm in no hurry to post about Christmas till December, so I might as well close out November 
with a few images from our Thanksgiving weekend. 
And yes, I've been setting out that turkey centerpiece for way too many years. 
But I'm not looking to retire her anytime too soon.

We actually had a few rain showers throughout the day.
Made it real fun to snuggle up in the fairy house on the patio.

Pop Pop was invited to join emolyn & elsie in the fairy house for some tickle time.
(notice emolyn holding her powder compact)

How cute is emolyn admiring herself in that makeup mirror... 
and how elsie is so tickled with her Pop Pop.

So thankful that Nicole was able to get off work early and join us for pumpkin pie around the firepot.

We closed out the weekend with a rehearsal for Randy's Christmas Concert Sunday afternoon.
Our drummer took this picture of Randy & I on his iPhone.
We're really looking forward to the concerts this weekend.
Hope you can join us!
Please click the poster on my sidebar for more concert info.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! We'll see you this weekend at the concert. We've got family coming too!

  2. Looks like a beautiful Thanksgiving time you had Linda. I sure do enjoy your blog my friend.


