Wednesday, December 21, 2011

all is calm...

Nothing feels more like winter in Phoenix than rainy, dreary days. And we've had plenty of them this month. And I am very thankful.
So yesterday as the clouds had me convinced that snow flurries were on the way... I put on a pot of ham & split peas soup, set out a pan of Rhodes rolls to rise near the warm wood stove... and I hunkered down.
But, (she sighs) no snow flurries. Ok, so we rarely get them. But a girl can dream...

My husband and I enjoyed a delicious meal, and then we headed over to Scottsdale to check out a possible Christmas gift for our son, that we found on Craig's List.
And along the way we saw beautiful light displays that calmed my heart.

My heart has needed lots of calming these days, as our future seems so uncertain and I'm not handling it as well as I had hoped. I can easily lose hope and fear the worst.
My husband has been looking for work for over 8 months now, and it has triggered my unresolved issues that seem to rear their ugly heads when I'm faced with trusting God and others with me. Instead I choose to clutch and demand and isolate... and the truth of my identity in Christ goes flying out the window. I know that God is at work. I really do. But I fear the suffering that may go along with God's direction for my life.

An amazing young man recently posted this on facebook ~

"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us, we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." ~ C.S.Lewis

The young man that posted that quote is 17 and his Dad's memorial service was Monday.
My heart goes out to this young man and his 16 year old brother as they grieve the loss of their father... and choose daily to believe that God is trustworthy and all-knowing. God is using this wise-beyond-his-years young man to remind me to walk by faith and not by sight, and to rest in God's love for me. And to pray.
It's as simple as that. But the journey is not always easy. 

 On a lighter note ~ I love my Waechtersbach Christmas dishes.
And as you can see from the top pic, we use them daily throughout the month of December.
I wrote about them on this Dec. 2007 post ~

I love displaying my Waechtersbach Christmas dishes every year!! They are truly my pride and joy of all my Christmas collections!
Many, many years ago I found six 'irregular' plates at a Christmas liquidation store for $6.00 each. I never dreamed I would ever add to those six plates. But over the years I found 4 complete place settings at an antique store in Pine, Arizona for $25.00! That is like the cost of one single plate! And then I got several more place settings and the matching wine glasses from my cousin Shelly. She brought them back from Germany many years ago. Can you believe it! 
I am forever grateful.

And then a few years ago my sister Ginny surprised me with "The Star" baking dish!! She had found it for a song. (retails for over $40.00!) And that big serving bowl was a TJ Max find for $5.00! I occasionally still find the mugs at thrift stores, so I have lots of them.
Thanks for visiting my little blog. Means more to me than you could ever know.


  1. I'm glad you mentioned your husband's unemployment so I can pray. I don't know how I missed that one, but thankful the Lord prompted you to blog about it. We are also going through a very long testing of our faith and our hearts are getting weary. We especially fear the end answer, so I appreciated the encouragement today. Blessings and prayers to you!

  2. Your not alone on wondering, fearing and questioning what is to come. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. Have a blessed Holiday Season.

  3. that CS Lewis quote is amazing. and i love your christmas china too! I forgot to tell you i made split pea soup while we were in prescott in a pressure cooker in 30 minutes, from dry split peas. it was a Christmas miracle!

  4. Prayers going out...

  5. Thanks for sharing, Linda. You two are in our prayers constantly. I LOVE the little village on your cake stand! So vintage looking and lovely...

    Can't wait to see what the Lord brings for Randy. I'm telling you that the eBay thing would be amazing in the interim. You two would ROCK!

  6. Fear is definitely my biggest struggle in life. I can totally identify. I know you know all of he verses and the Truth, but it still isn't easy. I guess that is why they call it Faith. I read this the other day in my devotional. "When you are plagued by a persistent problem - one that goes on and on - view it as a rich opportunity. An ongoing problem is like a tutor who is always by your side. The learning possibilities are limited only by your willingness to be teachable. Ask Me to open your eyes and your heart to all that I am accomplishing through this difficulty. Once you become grateful for a problem; it loses its power to drag you down." I think it is true, dang if I can always live there, though!!! Prayers for you both as you journey on.

  7. Praying for you and the family. The enemy is sure on us all right now. It has Been rough year for our family too Linda. God is good and he does have a plan for all of us. Love you and wish you a blessed Merry CHRISTmas.


  8. I love your Christmas china! Praying that God will give you peace knowing that he is in control and everything will be alright.

  9. Hoping that the new year brings you peace and contentment. I feel your pain - my husband was terminated from his job of 28 years - 2 1/2 yrs ago - he finally found a job in his field after 7 months - and has never been happier - I'm sure things will change for you too - hoping they do!!

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  10. Those are great dishes. My family has had two losses in the last 2 is difficult...but God is good.
    Merry Christmas...we need to talk after Christmas...!!

  11. Oh Linda,
    thinking of you and your hubby and praying something wonderful will come along soon.
    I love your dishes....what a find, you are amazing at thrifting my friend!
    Hopefully we can get together this winter, I am looking at early February.
    Merry Christmas with hugs,

  12. I have been a little negligent in my blog reading this past year. I did not know your husband had been without a job. I am sorry. It is so hard. I worry for my husband's job, as well. We are very fortunate but this economy seems endlessly bleak. I will keep good thoughts for your family.

    You are always so upbeat and positive. Thanks for sharing your bad times, too.

    You have a beautiful family and I envy how close you all are. They are a real treasure.

