Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas in Paradise

That would be Paradise Valley, Arizona. But nonetheless, a Christmas in paradise the moment you walk through the front door of my friend Rob's lovely home. Oh my gosh, I was so honored when Rob asked if I would come photograph his home at Christmas.
You see I had heard that Rob worked with amazing decorators over the years and that Christmas was his specialty, but seriously, until I saw his work up close and personal... well, I had no idea. You guys, he's a creative genius.

First off, check out his front door!

Rob and I go way back to the 70's when he was singing with Glory Road at Hand in Hand concerts. Linda & I became huge groupies soon after we moved to Phoenix in 1977. And then over the past couple years we've reconnected on facebook. I adore this dear man.

His tree is simply stunning. And get this, he does something totally different every year!

Oh be still my heart. Love this!

His wife Toni is the resident gift-wrapper and let me tell you ~ WOW! 

Check out the original artwork in the background ~ one of the many stellar pieces they collect.

What was to be a one hour photo-shoot ended up being over 3 hours of deep, heartfelt, profound, kindred-spirit sharing with an old friend. Seriously, we could not be more alike as we shared bits and pieces of our life story. I came away inspired, encouraged, reflective, loved and deeply moved.
Thank you Rob for creating such a beautiful, safe place for me to share my heart.


  1. Thank you, Linda, for such kind and loving words... I am moved.

  2. Beautiful! It was fun to get a glimpse into someone else's living room through your eyes.

    Loved the gold pic frames!

  3. Very pretty indeed! Linda I hope you and your family have a fabulous Christmas!
    I need your address to send a card...can't believe i don't have it.
    Big Hugs and I hope I see you in February.

  4. just beautiful, thanks for sharing!re

  5. Gorgeous! Some day when we have some extra money laying around we'll have Rob come and decorate our tree for us. He is amazing!
