Monday, December 05, 2011

Through Different Eyes

Randy begins each concert with a song he wrote, that was inspired while reflecting on Christmas memories as seen through the eyes of a young boy and then seen through the eyes of our children. Pictures of him and his siblings and our kids are shown on a slideshow as he sings. I have yet to watch it without crying. 
That's our Shawn (4) and Miranda (2) on the screen. 

And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory,
glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of Grace and Truth. 
John 1:14

Our children were all performing on stage as we did "Child of Love"
Our daughter Miranda, me, Shawn and Randy
Our son Shawn on lead guitar
Randy and our friend Terry

Thanks Nancy for capturing these memorable moments over the weekend.

Randy's CDs are available HERE.
He wrote all the songs except "Oh Holy Night". Such powerful music. And just so you know, we do lots of mailing if you'd like us to pop a CD in the mail for you. 
And now that the concerts are over, let the Christmas festivities begin!


  1. Patti Holien10:16 AM

    LOVE THIS.... it's what sets my heart in place at the start of every Christmas season... thank you for loving us with this concert!

  2. Oh how lovely Linda!
    What a great concert that must have been! You all look so great up there as a family!
    It's snowing again!!
