Tuesday, December 06, 2011

warm woolen mittens

What is it about mittens? Maybe it's memories of snowballs and snowmen, sleds and toboggans... resulting in wet mittens drying over hot vents. I can see em all now, several pair draped over warm blowing vents. And there was always a pair on my Mom's knitting needles. I even knitted a pair during a Wisconsin snowstorm back in 1974. (the variegated blue pair atop the solid red pair in the basket below) 

Yes, I have been smitten with mittens for as long as I can remember. 
My Mom knitted mittens for each of my kids over the years, but they were never worn.
So years ago I created a mitten garland for our front window.
And what started out as a handful of homemade mittens has grown to a laundry basket full.
I pick em up at thrift stores and yard sales all year long.

And who remembers mitten clips? Love those plaid clips!
I love this entire retro inspired mantel! That's a plaid woolen scarf with mittens clipped to it ~
along with skis and skates... and framed black 'n white memories.
I've had that picture filed away for years,
hoping one day I would come upon a bag of mitten clips. But seriously, what are the chances of finding such a treasure in the middle of the desert? I know. Pretty slim. ha!


  1. I noticed the mitten pic the other day and have been thinking about it ever since - I have some old handmade mittens that my kids had - I think I need to get them out and hook them up somehow - that's just so cute!!
