Monday, March 05, 2012

flowers & faucets in Phoenix

We came upon some lovely spring flowers while taking our granddaughters for a walk over the weekend. Love this time of year!

I also came upon an estate sale on the way home from church on Sunday. I know, what could possibly be left on a Sunday at 1pm? Well ~ JUNK! My favorite kind of leftovers. For starters, vintage faucets. In fact, three very different kinds of faucets. I have been looking for an old faucet for Emolyn's vintage kitchen for the past year. I now have three to choose from!
I also found vintage sprinklers & sprayers, various hooks, a set of numbers, a red hoe to hang on the wall, that galvanized bucket and last but certainly not least... a vintage shop light. Oh my goodness, look at the patina on that light.
And check out what they're doing with those beauties ~ 

Found here

I also have plans to make this ~ now that I've found my 4th red faucet handle! YES!

All in all, a wicked good weekend. Oh, I didn't tell you?
I went to WICKED at Grady Gammage!
My dear friend Kathy (the teacher I assist at the preschool) bought tickets for her and I to see WICKED! Oh my gosh, WHAT A THRILL! Such a superb cast. 
My husband & I saw WICKED with our daughter Miranda three years ago while visiting her in London. I remember turning to my daughter at intermission, with tears pouring down my face (they had finished with "Defying Gravity") and I told her how proud I was that she took a chance, defied gravity and moved to London by herself to study for a semester. One of the most memorable moments of our entire trip. You can see that post HERE.
This time I am sitting next to a faithful friend... one who has loved and accepted me through a very difficult season in my life. As I'm watching the musical this time, I am reminded of those in my life, who have made a difference for maybe a season, or for an entire lifetime... those precious divine contacts that because I knew them, I've been changed for good.


  1. You always leave me in a great mood, Linda...

  2. Love your flowers! We're a LONG way off from flowers still and my eyeballs are aching to look at something green and pretty.

    Good junking finds! I love those faucet handles and that red hoe is so cute!

  3. Flowers just seem like a dream here - we had a major storm on the weekend and all I can see is white - meaning, snow!!

    The flower pics are beautiful!

  4. Such cool faucets Linda!
    And the flower pics are amazing..your photos are so pretty!
    I really wish we could have gotten together, for sure next time!

  5. Those old faucets might still be useful for some people. Are you planning to throw those away? They might still be in good condition. From the way I see it, they’re not rusting or anything. Those might be good for a backyard hose. Heheh.
