So Randy gets home from the airport and puts the finishing touches on Emolyn's kitchen before she comes over. We got the vintage wooden kitchen at Goodwill for $10.00 and added the backplash so we could add hooks and such. Randy had to cut a hole for the stainless steel bowl I found for the sink and also installed our old water-filtration faucet. (yes, the one that caused the flood). I was so pleased with how it turned out. I have plans to someday paint the whole kitchen white. But till then, my granddaughter will give it lots of love.
Emolyn loves to play dress-up and sing songs. She's quite the Tinker Bell Rock Star! I didn't mean for her to find the Elmo boots in the closet (for 25 cents!) because they're still way too big. But she insisted and wore them all day.
She loves her room, as she calls it. And would say "Mimi, let's go to Emin Tate's room". Later in the day, Randy, Shawn & Tyler were watching This Is It and she did not like that "Micha Jackson make noise! Emin Tate scerrt". So we stayed in her room and played.
She got one look at Sleeping Beauty and just had to change into the blue Cinderella gown so she could be just like Sleeping Beauty. And she kept calling Belle 'baby'. I think she thought the Princesses had to be a mommy to a baby, so Belle was their baby. Too funny.
I recently found a bag of vintage Fisher Price people & accessories. I gotta tell you, I love the old Fisher Price sets. I found the FP school house years ago (not pictured), but missing all the pieces. Someday I WILL find the teacher, students, blackboards, desks, etc. I just know it.
She especially loved the bath tub and toilet. I mean REALLY loved them.
Emolyn is almost potty-trained... so she spent quite a bit of time making sure the baby sat on the potty chair. Too cute.
And she cooked "soup" throughout the day. But always adding lots of "sauce" to the soup. Most likely hot sauce, cuz I'm tellin ya, that girl loves all foods hot & spicy.
Oh and check out the cradle made from washboards that I found at a yard sale for $5.00. A very unique, one-of-a-kind treasure for sure. In fact, the DUBL HANDI washboards are the oldest made in the US.
I shared Emolyn's kitchen transformation on the following link parties-
What a wonderful grandmother you are! Emolyn is so precious. I always enjoy seeing pictures of her. You do so well with all the kitchen gear and then the toys. Love the outfit she's wearing too. Wonder if she is going to be a singer??
Have a great week.
Ladybug Creek
You are the best Grandmother. You not only allow her to imagine and pretend, but you are always thinking of new ways to help that happen. Our house is becoming filled with all of her play stuff and I love it, and love you for doing this for her and making our home so cozy for our precious grand daughter. She also knows that she has her own room here. She will grow up having wonderful memories of Pop Pop and Mimi's house, and it's all due to you thinking of her.
Love you,
Pop Pop
Oh my gosh... I just have to cover my mouth and gasp, the sweetness is too much. Love the princess dress with the boots! LOL! Thank you for always posting pictures of Em. I love seeing them and watching her grow because I was part of the prayer warrior gang when she was born. Some day, when we all get to heaven, won't it be amazing to see how many people prayed for her and she never knew it? Come to think of it, we'll all be amazed at the prayers that were prayed on each of our behalf! What a cool thought! Anyway, LOVE all the fun stuff you have done to give her such special memories!
Belle was the baby because she is the smallest figurine. Everything thats the smallest is the baby!
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