Tuesday, May 29, 2012

our cozy travel trailer

Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about... ok, so maybe I was only thinkin' about it ~ but heading to the mountains, next to my favorite guy, in my cozy cottage on wheels, with the desert heat in my rearview mirror is just what this farm-girl turned city-girl is aching for. 
Not sure when it's going to happen, but it better be soon!

This time we're planning to park cozy in a remote area with a creek running nearby. And we're hoping our little granddaughter Emolyn comes along with us for the first time overnight. She's pretty excited about sleeping between Randy & I (the bench seats make into a king-size bed- seen here) and having our dog Koda sleeping underneath the bed. 
"Koda better not snore Mimi!" 
"No Emolyn, Koda doesn't snore and thank God, neither does your Pop pop!"

And seriously, is there anything better than fried potatoes and sausage sizzling in cast iron on a Coleman stove? Umm, yes there is... eating it. 

Love spending time with this dear man and our precious puppy.

Oh be still my heart ~ the Mogollon Rim above Payson, Arizona.

The perfect spot to reflect, journal, pray... and be still.


  1. We are planning on going there after our daughter's wedding...like our honeymoon that it is over!!

  2. The scenic view is so calming. I believe that it can help relieve you from stress and keep everything cool. If I were on that spot, I’d use binoculars to look at the surroundings and just enjoy the view. Star gazing is also a good idea, isn’t it? That’s the wonder of travelling with trailers – you’ll see and learn more about the outdoors.

  3. Seeing this wonderful journey of yours reminds me of my first road trip with my college friends. We prepared delicious foods, and I couldn’t get enough of the grilled ribs back then! Your next outdoor trip will be more enjoyable if you will bring Emolyn with you. She’ll be able to see and explore things that can make her grow as a kid. Those sausages made me drool, by the way. Can I have some? =)

  4. Your cozy cottage on wheels looks great outside. I wonder how it looks like inside. Well, for sure, it’s gorgeous too! ;) Do you travel a lot with your RV? It’s really nice to go on a trip with your loved ones, especially this holiday season!
