Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I became a Mom...

30 years ago today this little guy made me a Mom.
And because he's so sweet, kind, funny, loving and creative ~
he made me look like a pretty awesome Mom.
When really, God made him that way ~
his Dad & I just had the blessing of nurturing his gifts, his character, his creativity, his imagination, his humor. I can't believe I was blessed with such a delightful, caring son.

And now he's a wonderful, loving husband to his wife Nicole ~ 
and a fun, awesome Daddy to Emolyn, Elsie, Nathan & Jonah!


Oh, and I can hardly wait to show you the rest of the photos taken by ~
when the twins were only 7 days old!


  1. What an adorable family...those pics are precious. Happy birthday to your son. My son turned 30 in March. I am hoping that I can figure out these letters for this comment to go through...they are getting almost impossible to figure if you get this...I figured it out!

  2. Happy B-day to your son - and to you since you were certainly sharing the day!! Beautiful pics. Emolyn looks so much like mom, and Elsie so much like dad (to me at least). It'll be interesting to see the boys grow!

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Happy Birthday to Shawn. I remember that day! What a blessing to be able to share in your lives these last 30 years.
