Thursday, June 14, 2012

En Love with the Twins

These stunning images were captured by En Love Photography. They literally took my breath away and made me cry. I'm in awe of my son, this good & faithful man, his amazing wife and beautiful children. And to think Jonah & Nathan were only 7 days old.

Shawn & Nicole ~ can you believe we made these little guys?

Elsie ~ Mimi has a baby doll that stops moving when you turn off a switch. Where's the switch for this baby? 

Emolyn ~ I love their tiny little feet & toes.

Nicole ~ radiant & beautiful.

Shawn ~ strong & steady.

Shawn & Nicole ~ trusting God with these precious little gifts.

Shawn & Nicole ~ truly the best parents ever.

Jonah & Nathan ~ oh my gosh, cutest little boys ever.

Nathan & Jonah ~ snug as a bug on a rug.

Nathan ~ means "God has given".

Jonah ~ means "peace".

Have you ever seen anything sweeter in your life?

I told Nicole before the boys were born that I had a double galvanized pail that I found at a yard sale years ago, and that she was welcome to use it for their first photo shoot. I also gathered up old, vintage blocks and scrabble tiles to spell out their names. Well, you can imagine my surprise when a week later I opened up my Mother's Day gift and saw this photo for the very first time. Oh my gosh, I could hardly breathe, much less talk.
SO En Love with these little boys!

I'm linking up with ~
Featured Friday FREE-FOR-ALL


  1. oh my word I love this family !
    Make sure S&N know they can send any of them to CA for 'Schubert summer camp' some day :)
    How much fun would that be!?
    I'll quit my job and just entertain the Thompson kids and Kim's new son and my cousin-in-Kansas's kids :)

  2. Oh my goodness.....I adore that picture of the twins with the scrabble tiles....adorable!!!

  3. That picture is so, so precious! All of the photos are beautiful!

  4. All the family pics Linda are so good! And the last one is amazing...I can see why you would cry!
    Those twin boys are soo adorable!
    Hugs friend,
