Tuesday, June 12, 2012

baby ID bracelets

Shawn (1982) ~ Miranda (1984) ~ Tyler (1989)
Jonah's hospital ID bracelet was removed last week. The twins are identical you know, so they kept his on till it got too snug. They are still noticeably different when side-by-side, because Nathan is smaller. But it's only a matter of time till he catches up and all bets are off as to who's who.
So yesterday while putzing (or puttering) in my sewing room, or what I now affectionately call my Nook 'n Cranny ~ I came upon my kids hospital ID bracelets. Yes, how ironic, having just seen Jonah's bracelet posted on facebook just days before. But also miraculous, as I had not seen these bracelets since we moved into this house in 1994. You see, I have a rather large drawer that I deposit memorabilia and miscellaneous stuff that I will either scrapbook someday or just save. So I decided to look through it.
Oh my gosh, talk about a trip down memory lane. Yes, I save everything. Hey, if you'll remember, I'm the girl that not only saved the autograph I got from Harmon Killebrew after a Twins game in the 60's, but the actual gum I was chewing while asking him! And I'm also the girl that saved the tissue I cried in when I made cheerleading. And I also... oh never mind, you get the picture.
So anyways, I find notes & cards from my kids when they were little, ticket stubs, newspaper clippings, vacation receipts... even a letter I sent my Mom while she was in the hospital when my brother Kevin was born in 1969. My Mom had 5 kids in 7 1/2 years and then 11 years later had Kevin. So you can imagine how excited us kids were. So, being that I was 12 1/2 and desperate to feel important, I closed the letter by asking if I could be the first to hold Kevin when they got home from the hospital. Just so you know, I wasn't.
So, when I finally found each of these ID bracelets, I just sat and cried... imagining them being so small and helpless... and me wondering, hoping and praying they would grow to be faithful, kind and loving. I was instantly overcome with the reality of God's faithfulness over these past 30 years. He not only answered my prayers beyond what I could think or imagine, but He's carried them over to this next generation, to my grandchildren. So very humbled... and deeply grateful.

I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6

Nathan & Jonah @ 6 weeks


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I just think Mimi needs to make those boys new bracelets (maybe different colors or something) that they can bathe in and everything. Then you can tell them apart.
    I also have my kids baby "stuff". It is neatly tucked and taped into baby books for the first two. AJ just has a box. Oh well, at least I have it.
    Love reading your blog, and thanks for turning me onto Pioneer Woman. I love her recipes!

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Sorry, that was Brenda. I can't find my google password, so had to do anonymous this time.

  3. Its a great idea....It can also be applied in a kindergarden school.
