Friday, July 13, 2012

life's better on a deck

Or in our case ~ on a deck at our friend's cabin up north.

My handsome hard-working husband is in desperate need of a road trip, along with some serious relaxing out on a deck in the woods.

I'm looking forward to...

a road trip
catching up with dear friends
cooler weather
thunder, lightening and rain
photographing stuff
starting a new project
starting a new book
grilled steaks & chicken kabobs
talking weddings
sipping aerated wine
returning home refreshed

Hope your weekend is refreshing too!

1 comment:

  1. Just did a little catching up here on your blog. When you live in AZ, there just isn't a much better way to take the edge off the heat than spending a few days in San Diego.

    I had to chuckle over your comment about Mervyn's. Yes, I remember and miss Mervyn's. They always had such good sales. Great prices on those swimsuits, too. You are not alone in the "never learned to swim" thing. I grew up in Louisiana, & any time spent around water was pretty scary because of snakes. I know, way to make kids paranoid which is exactly what it did to me!

    Anyway, so glad you had such a good time & cooled down a bit.

