Thursday, July 12, 2012

San Diego ~ part 2

On our final day in San Diego, we took the ferry to Coronado. The perfect day ~ blue, clear skies, cool, crisp and breezy. I didn't want the day to ever end.

I was in awe of the USS Midway ~ sooo ginormous. The fighter jets on board actually seemed small. Truly mind-boggling when you think about it ~ over 4000 men can live on board. And the carrier holds 100 planes. Wow.

This sailboat was heading towards us so fast...

... it narrowly escaped from slamming into us! Or at least I thought so.

We arrived back in Phoenix late Sunday night,
and by 9am the next morning I had my hair cut off. Like a whole lot. And I love it!
Wish I had done it before the trip.

In the days that we were in San Diego, we consumed tuna fish, batter fried cod, salmon cakes and tilapia fish tacos. And I loved it all. Sea food was not something served up too often on the farm growing up, so it will always seem like a delicacy to me. 

Kathy's husband and son joined her for a few more days, while Kathi and I headed back to hell , I mean the heat ~ 114 degrees to be precise! 
So needless to say, I'm missing San Diego. A whole lot.


  1. we get to see a pic of your new haircut?? :)

  2. So missed you would be hard to come back to Phx...after being in always is for me!

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