Wednesday, July 18, 2012

mason jar w/ salt spout

How many of you spend hours pinning on Pinterest, but truth-be-told, spend very little time actually cranking out those projects you've pinned? Well me neither. But that all changed yesterday.
While cleaning out my new pantry I discovered I had 2 containers of salt, so I emptied the remains of one in my salt shakers and tossed it in the recycle. A few minutes later I remembered something I had pinned on my helpful hints board and retrieved it, and then proceeded to slice off the top with a serrated knife.

You could either trace using the top of your jar or the lid from the Mason jar (or Kerr jar) cover as your guide. You want to be sure you trace using the entire portion below the spout.

Then you can pop it in the lid cover. I am forever finding these colorful lid covers at thrift stores or yard sales. In fact the other day I found a darling red-checkered one that came with a jar. I need another jar like I need a hole in my head. But I wanted that cover! Anyway, while unlocking my front door I dropped the jar, and while it broke in a million pieces, the red-checkered lid was just fine thank you very much. ha!

And there you have it! Is that not the cutest or what! 
I have yet to fill it. In fact, give me some more ideas other than just sugar or salt.
And feel free to pin this project on your Pinterest board, or better yet ~ just do it!

EDITED ~ Thanks to your awesome ideas, I replaced the pint jar with a vintage quart jar and filled it with Epsom Salts. And then I applied one of the vinyl chalk stickers that my daughter-in-law Nicole gave me as a gift. It was too large so I used a scrapbook scissors to scallop the edges and make it fit. Love the results!


  1. Brenda8:17 AM

    Very cute! How about mini choc. chips (to put in pancakes)or some small candies, or bath salts for spa time?

  2. Holy Moly girl, this is a great idea!!
    By the way, do you know you have that wordy thing to leave a's is barely readable...maybe you might think about not using it...

  3. What a great idea, and one I had not seen done!! I bought my first blue jar last week and tried to make a soap dispenser with it but it looked strange against the wall so I put a candle in it. I love this idea Linda.

  4. Looks cool Linda, but just curious, what do you use Epsom Salts for?

  5. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Cute idea!
    Trying this one!

    I came across this fun blog party for 'where bloggers create' and thought you might like to join them there- your crafting space is so cute - you should : ) It's off to the far right column- down a ways.

    Just thought I'd share :)

  6. Ok Linda, I am DYING! First I need that cute gingham lid cover now. Get me to a thrift store stat! :)

    Next, my salt is about to get a makeover.

    LOVE this and you! :)
