Friday, July 20, 2012

cozy cottage on wheels

That's right folks ~ we're taking our cozy cottage on wheels ON THE ROAD!
That means we're loading up our travel trailer in 110 degree heat. But that also means our granddaughter Emolyn and our dog Koda are coming along. I can hardly wait!

And get this ~ they both love bacon. So when Emolyn gives you that puppy dog look 
and says ~ "But Mimi, we're going to need LOTS of bacon!"...

... then I'll give them LOTS of bacon!

Cuz seriously, she could ask for a pony about now and I would consider.
Feel free to enlarge and check out her 'baby basils' ~ yes, she calls her eye color basil :)

Last weekend on our way home from Tim & Lynn's cabin, we decided to check out Lynx Lake near Prescott. We don't feel comfortable going back to our old stompin' grounds because of the bear attacks near the Mogollon Rim. But we sure liked what we saw at Lynx Lake. 
And yes, we drove back into that storm ~ the most blinding rain storm ever, from Prescott Valley to I-17. Pretty scary.

And guess what ~ the forecast is looking similar for this weekend. Fine with me.

Cuz really, there is nothing better than sleeping in our cozy cottage with rain pouring down on the aluminum roof ~ sounds like hail. Emolyn will be as snug-as-a-bug all safe & warm between her Pop Pop & I ~ and our Koda will be cozy warm beneath our bed.
Stay tuned ~ posts and pics to come!


  1. Ok...I am envious...but I hope you all have a great time...looks like such fun!!

  2. Love your little trailer! I too am envious, I have a little cutie camper, but never have taken her out!
