Monday, August 27, 2012

33 years ago

33 years ago I put on this wedding dress and married the man of my dreams. No, let me take that back. No way did I marry the man of my dreams, cuz never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would marry a man of such character, honesty, humility and devotion to God. Seriously, such a man wasn't even on my radar. But I am forever grateful that God chose him for me, and me for him.

Love this photo ~ the only one taken of us singing at our wedding reception. 
And it's one of my very favorites.

I still love my dress and that I wore a wreath of baby's breath and stephanotis in my hair and carried a bouquet of white carnations, baby's breath and stephanotis in my hand.

And every few years I put on my wedding dress and that now dried-up baby's breath-less wreath, and Randy snaps a few photos just for fun. And I get all weepy and wonder how God could have given me such a good, good man. I am truly blessed.

Our daughter Miranda, who will be getting married in a couple months, posted this on Facebook ~

33 years ago today a boy and a girl exchanged vows to love each other and serve one another for the rest of their lives. They believed God had a purpose for their lives that could only be fulfilled if they were together. 33 years ago countless people's lives were changed. The boy and the girl have given their lives to ministering to hundreds and hundreds of people over the years and their marriage
 has been the safe place for each of them to grow and learn and become more who Christ intended them to be. They have loved each other really really well. They showed what a real beautiful, god-honoring marriage looked like - with all the brokenness, laughter, tears, playfulness and memories. They created a home for three kids to in turn discover Gods love and purpose for their own lives. I am so thankful for this day 33 years ago. 
Happy anniversary Mom & Dad!!

Thank you Miranda for reminding me of God's perfect plan for us and why He brought us together. So excited to see how God's perfect plan unfolds as you & Aaron begin your life together!


  1. Oh Linda, congratulations!!!! What a wonderful testimony to love and faith! And you...not fair!! You look too fabulous in that dress. You made me smile this morning:-) Blessings for many more years with your soul mate!!

  2. Oh you are such a precious person and you look amazing in that dress. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. I hope you have at least 33 more. Hugs, Marty

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I love that you are still so in love with Jesus and each other. Congrats!

  4. Awesome blog youu have here
