Thursday, August 23, 2012

Best of Randy Thompson

March 18th, 1978 ~ I can still remember how I felt that night, sitting on the floor in a room filled with teens and young adults, listening to song after song, hanging on to his every word, and thinking who is this man that writes such profound truth? We would exchange phone numbers that night, so he could find out more about the studio that Linda & I were recording at. He called 3 weeks later. And he asked me out. And on our first date I asked him about the songs he writes. And I told him my favorite from that night was Jesus Touched Me, which would later became the title of his first ever cassette recording. 

Click HERE and then each song title to hear a portion of each of the songs off
Jesus Touched Me.

Fast forward. Four years later. We're married. He's recording his first ever vinyl record and the photo shoot for the album cover takes place among the boulders of Cave Creek. I have no idea that I'm pregnant with our first born, who would arrive May 30th, 1982. That and the release of It's By Grace made for a pretty special year for Randy & I. 
He would go on to record 5 more CDs in the next 2 decades ~ 
It's By Grace being the only vinyl in the bunch.

Click HERE and then click each of the 7 CDs to hear a portion of each song off each CD.

We celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary this Saturday and except for that first year of marriage, we've been in full-time ministry ever since. Till January of this year. Oh, he's still doing ministry and writing songs that are better than ever, with his next release coming in 2013, it's just that we no longer make a living doing ministry.

All to say, Randy is doing a Best of Randy Thompson Concert 
at our church ~ September 15th.
I would love to see you there. I would love for you to hear the stories behind each of the songs. I would love for you to feel what I felt that night all those years ago. Cuz I still do. After all these years.

Fast forward 30 years since that vinyl album cover shoot. Our son Shawn (yes, that pregnancy) made us this YouTube video. What a precious gift to remind us of the faithfulness of God over these past 30 years of ministry. Thank you Shawn. Thank you God.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Catching up on your life after a bit of an internet break this summer.....of course there was music, traveling, romance....sigh....missed your blog!
