Monday, August 06, 2012

engagement photos

Miranda & Aaron's engagement photos brought me to tears. I was your classic mother-of-the-bride-to-be mess. Ok, I'll be honest, Kelsie Pinkerton's amazing photography does that to me every time, but this shoot was particularly meaningful. It's my daughter. She's beautiful. And her & Aaron radiate such crazy, sweet love for each other in every single frame! I can't imagine the wedding photos.
Anyway, be sure and check out Kelsie's photography blog for more stunning photos taken of their 5:30am session in downtown Phoenix. Ok, did I tell you that Kelsie is the best wedding photographer in the valley? I mean, seriously ~ SHE IS! And she is one of Miranda's dearest friends. Thank you so much Kelsie! 

And now ~ this is what Kelsie does better than anyone on the planet ~ what sets her apart from all the others ~ be sure to have your volume turned up ~ and a few tissues on hand ~

Didn't I tell you? I know... I'm the mother-of-the-bride and everything, but I get choked up every time. So, I'm not done yet... like you need another link about their engagement shoot... but this one is Miranda's blog and it's her words ~  click HERE.

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