Tuesday, August 07, 2012

moments on a tractor

That would be me driving the John Deere tractor and my husband Randy stacking the freshly bound hay bales onto the wagon ~ back in July of '80 ~ on the family farm in Wisconsin. A month later we would celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary. Seems like a lifetime ago. 

Fast forward 32 years and that would be my husband driving a tractor for the very first time. He was like a little boy playing with big boy toys. This was one of many memorable moments while visiting our friends Tim & Lynn at their cabin near Prescott. 

Ok, so Tim's Kubota tractor doesn't quite measure up to my brother Ron's John Deere tractors on the farm, but hey, it gets the job done. And that's all that matters. And I gotta be honest, that tractor is pretty darn cute. But I can assure you, Tim was not going for cute when he bought it. Maybe Lynn. But not Tim. ha!

My niece Erica recently captured this adorable photo of her daughter Preslie riding in the tractor with her Grandpa. Now we're talkin' cute! Love this.


  1. Such a neat post Linda! And you looked awfully cute driving that tractor around!
    I absolutely adore your daughter's engagement photos!
    They are stunning!
    Love ya, hope to see you this fall!

  2. You look great up on your tractor! Great blog! Dee x
