Thursday, August 16, 2012

muu muu & men's products

I have a confession to make ~ on occasion I wear a Muu muu. Ok, so maybe more like a lot. And no, that's not my Muu muu. But very similar to the one I wear, only mine goes to my ankles. When I googled Muu muu I found this post and that dress, which confirmed that yes, the dress I bought at a thrift store a year ago, is in fact a Muu muu. When I finally made my way through the myriad of emotions associated with realizing you have entered an age in which one puts on a Muu muu... well, then I embraced it. Think about it, our temps hit like a billion degrees last week, so who wants anything sticking to your waist, your thighs or your armpits? Who wouldn't want the comforts of loose, flowy, 100% cotton? You know you know what I'm talkin' about. And you know you want one.
Here's the thing, you put it on as your day is winding down and you just want to be comfortable. It's not like it's a nightgown, so you're perfectly safe if the Schwan's man stops over. I mean you gotta let him in out of the sweltering heat, and then, well, you've got to order something. It's the least I can do for the poor man. (or poor woman) We actually did have a woman Schwan's man for a while.

So while I'm at it, I'll make another confession. I prefer using men's products. There, I said it. I've been using men's deodorant and men's soap for the past couple years, and most recently men's shampoo. You may be wondering why men's when there are way more women's products to choose from. Maybe that's the reason ~ the fact that they are forever releasing the latest, greatest products for women, makes me wonder if more money is being put into marketing than the actual quality of the products. Whew, feels good to get that out.

So for those that are curious about which products ~
deodorant ~ Right Guard Total Defense 5 Power Gel (Arctic Refresh)
bar soap ~ Dove Men+Care body+face bar
shampoo ~ Suave Men deep clean peppermint shampoo

Ok ~ I wasn't planning on confessing this last one, but if it'll change a life ~ why not.
I washed my face with Lava soap all through high school. I'm not even kidding.
Remember Lava soap? Then let me refresh your memory ~

Lava is a heavy-duty hand cleaner made by WD-40, first produced in 1893. WD-40 acquired the brand from Block Drug in 1999 who acquired it from Procter & Gamble in 1995. It was originally developed by the Waltke Company of St. Louis in 1893. Unlike typical hand soaps, Lava contains ground pumice, which gave the soap its name. The soap and pumice combination is intended to scour tar, engine grease, paint, dirt, grime, filth, and similar substances from the skin.

Because we didn't have Wikipedia back in the 70's, I never knew that much about Lava soap till now. But, you can bet that growing up on a farm meant my Dad and brothers washing their hands with Lava soap every single day. So hey, call me a pioneer, trailblazer, ahead-of-her-times, but as a teenage, when the first signs of acne were about to rear its ugly head (or face in my case), I had this wild, hair-brain idea to use Lava soap on my face. Yes, ground pumice on my face. And quite frankly, I'd like to think that is why I have so few acne scars. Wow, feels good to get that off my chest (or face) :)


  1. Linda - I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one who used Lava on her face. I had really bad acne and spent years going to 2 dermatologists and I used Lava among many other nasty things. I, too, don't have much scarring from all the acne I had. Must have been the Lava!

  2. Hi Linda,
    What a cute post! I love your mumu, although since it's tiny like you, I am sure thats why it is so cute!
    Somehow a big tent like one might not have the same appeal!
    Love the pyrex...I found a set last summer for $5 but that's all I have.
    I love the camping logs post too, just too too cute!
    It's cool here now, I am actually wearing a sweater this morning.
    Hugs friend,

  3. Love the Muu Muu and think it would be way cute cut down shorter to make a top!

    I'm trying not to have a heart attack over the Lava.... do you know the ph of that stuff? I'm sure it's not good! LOL!

    I love men's cologne better than women's. I haven't worn anything in years due to allergies in my family but when I use to wear perfume and cologne, my favorites were mens! :) I'm not a flowery kind of girl. Don't like those scents and don't like those kinds of clothes, colors, etc... no pink in my house, baby.

  4. oh my goodness...this is TOO funny. I started using AXE shampoo because it was all that was in the shower when my own shampoo ran out...can I say, it is AWESOME! It leaves my hair clean and light...I still use my favorite conditioner though, Neutrogena....perfect combination.

  5. Hey good morning my friends I am share with with you some beauty tips. When we’re talking high performance products and value for money, there’s really no other place to finish than with the Men-u Healthy Facial Wash. It was one of the first products I tried when I moved from high-street products to a more ‘premium’ selection, but it has remained (like all first loves) a firm favourite ever since. Offering up to 265 washes from a 100ml bottle, the key ingredient tea tree oil acts a great antiseptic in the fight against bacteria that causes spots, but this also means that it smells amazing and acts as a great morning pick me up.
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