Tuesday, August 21, 2012

memories on a quad

Like I said life's better on a deck ~ so why not go back to Tim & Lynn's cabin to close out the summer. And it really is better, especially with good friends and a good book. Started reading A Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. This book was written for me... exactly what I'm grappling with in my journey of letting go and fully trusting God with where I'm at in this season of life. So hard. But so good.

Well, this time the weather allowed us to take Tim & Lynn's quads out for a long trail ride.

And let me tell you, what a thrill! So freeing. So exhilarating.
Definitely the highlight of our summer.

I think I had that silly grin on my face the entire ride ~ along with occasional whoops and hollers and shrieks of joy. I held nothing back. I was riding high.

The Prescott area has seen lots of rain in the past month, so the creeks were a flowing... 

... and the swimming holes full.

These ginormous granite boulders were scattered all throughout the Wolf Creek Campgrounds. So amazing.

I took this picture as the sun was peeking out from the threatening rain clouds... 

and then moments later it started raining. Beautiful, glorious rain.

We parked under a canopy of trees for a while, but then just decided to go for it and drive the last 20 minutes in the pouring rain. We're talkin' painful, pelting rain... like BB gun pellets poking your forehead rain. Even though I could have hidden behind Randy for most of the way, I chose to close my eyes and feel my husband's pain ~ and you guys, we have never laughed so hard that entire ride back to the cabin. 

Thanks Tim & Lynn for such a fun, memory-making weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun time!

    I adore your daughters engagement photos. So cute and clever!

    I too on occasion wear a muu muu. :)
