Monday, September 10, 2012

Healing Field ~ LEGO Flag

We parked our van on the north side of Tempe Town Lake and walked across the Tempe Bridge and there they were... 2,996 Flags representing 2,996 lives lost on that Tuesday morning, 11 years ago. And just like that first time I experienced the Healing Field in '04, my heart ached and the tears flowed.

This year we went on a gray, cloudy, breezy evening. 
Seeing the flags waving, rather than limp and silent, brought new life and meaning to the memorial. I know this sounds weird, but it felt like these brave, innocent victims of 9/11 were speaking loudly, as though they were saying "You came! You remembered! We are not forgotten!" And boldly answering our plea ~

Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave? "YES!"

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I had goose-bumps.

All of the 2,996 flags, each of which represents a person who lost his or her life in the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania in 2001, are marked with placards with the name of victims, information about them and where they died. 

Combat boots mark flags representing soldiers, 
yellow ribbons signify the first responders,
sky-blue ribbons denote the flags of airline crews, 
while six teddy bears mark flags for the children who died. 

I was a mess.

I found Randy quietly reading the cards while walking along the rows of flags.

And then we saw this ginormous flag in the distance. 
It wasn't till we got up close that we saw that it was made entirely out of Legos
That's right ~ LEGOS! 122,000 Legos to be exact! What a stunning display.

This is one side of the flag up close.

This is the other side of the flag up close. I know! Amazing!

I had Randy hold down this flag so I could capture our Light Rail tracks over Tempe Town Lake. The light show running along the tracks changes nonstop reflecting the various colors off the lake. Just the coolest.

I don't have a clue how to use my camera at night, so I just snapped away and hope for the best. I am always surprised to see what develops. Is that a pun? :) Anyway...
I'm liking how the overexposed bridge lights in the background sort of mirrored the flag poles. 

By the time we headed back on foot across Tempe Town Lake, the breeze had diminished, and our hearts not so heavy.

How are you going to remember 9/11 this year?

Remember, we must never forget.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Linda. I haven't been down there to see it. Maybe I'll see if Terry wants to go down with me tonight. Just reading your post reminded me how I felt when I visited the Vietnam Memorial. Heartbroken.

  2. So moving! I can't believe that this was here.
