Monday, September 17, 2012

DIY~ Vintage Wedding

I thought I should remind you that we're having ourselves a wedding in November. Which would explain the random posting. Yes, the DIY projects have begun. And the weather has cooled down a bit. Two things that go nicely together. Can't do one without the other.

So, would it surprise you at all that when my daughter comes to me with her latest wedding idea, that I have most everything she needs? I didn't think so. This is when my tendencies to stock pile (ok, hoard) comes in handy. Such as...

She needs brown paper bags for a project. What do you know, I recently bought a couple hundred at a thrift store for 50 cents ~ the perfect size.

She needs large galvanized tubs for bottled drinks ~ I happen to have several.

She needs a mailbox ~ I have two old ones I found on the side of the road in desperate need of a makeover. Take your pick.

She needs chalkboards ~ I have several in various sizes.

She needs mason jars ~ let's not even go there. I've been collecting them since way before they became a wedding staple.

She needs two vintage wooden chairs ~ I had just found the 2nd one for $5.00. Coincidental? I think not.

She needs said chair seats reupholstered ~ and falls in love with a piece I've been saving for something just this special. Priceless.

Suffice it to say, I could go on and on, but that would give away too many surprises. Trust me on this, I'm rockin' in the repurposing department that's for sure.

I will leave you with a couple of my favorite pins off my Pinterest wedding board.

My daughter Miranda is also blogging about her upcoming wedding. You don't want to miss a single post! Her latest post is about her charity shoes for the wedding.
So inspiring & way cool!

~ Miranda's Wedding Blog ~


  1. Knowing you Linda, this is going to be one beautiful and creative wedding!
    I bet your daughter is just like her talented Mom!
    Hugs friend,
    Coming in October, hope to see you then!

  2. My heart is going pitter pat!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
