Monday, October 01, 2012

felted acorns

Our Home Group had a retreat over the weekend and what do you suppose I came home with? Not the usual rock or stone to remind me of the special time we had ~ but acorns. I love acorns! I have always loved acorns, but even more so after seeing what crafters are doing with the tops of acorns on Pinterest ~ beautiful, colorful, felted acorns
(I've watched a couple tutorials and like this one the best)
So this morning after dumping my treasured acorn tops in my favorite Autumn leaf dish, I headed out for a morning walk with our dog Koda. 

Upon returning from our walk, I opened my mailbox and found this ~ my friend Debby had delivered a gift of felted acorns to ME!!! Needless to say, I was in tears! But managed to run in the house, grab my camera and take a picture, so I would never forget how this moment made me feel. Thank you so much Debby! They are simply adorable! 

My sister Ginny is coming to my daughter's wedding in November and we're planning a craft day after the wedding. And making a bowl full of these beauties is definitely on our agenda. 
I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

  1. Oh cute! Way cute....I have a felted pumpkin someone made...gotta learn how to do that!
