Thursday, September 27, 2012

Twins ~ 5 months

Nathan & Jonah are 5 months old. Omg, say it ain't so! 
And it was a about year ago this time that their parents found out they were expecting twins. Nathan & Jonah are the gifts they never asked for or imagined in their wildest dreams, but are undeniably blessings times two from above.

Well folks, we are actually feeling fall in the air. The mornings are cooler. The evenings pleasant. We switched over from AC to evap. We have finally emerged out of hibernation, having survived yet another summer.

A year ago we were also getting ready to fly to Wisconsin to do a Benefit Concert in Wausau. The colors were spectacular as we traveled throughout Wausau, Appleton, Green Bay and Door County in a pumpkin colored car. I don't need to tell you how badly I want to be back there, so I will do the next best thing. I will occasionally post pics from that trip.
Starting with this one in Wausau.


  1. Enjoy your time. Congrats on your beautiful family and all the excitement of marriages, babies, ... life! God is so good. xo

  2. They are as cute as can be Linda!
    I wish you had been here this weekend. We had the most amazing colors and weather too.
    I have some pics on my blog.
    I also went to the Cranfest yesterday, so fun!
