Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween '12 ~ grandkids

Nathan & Jonah ~ Peter Pan & Captain Hook

Oh my gosh, TOO CUTE!

Emolyn ~ Nathan ~ Jonah ~ Elsie

Trick-or-treating is hard work ~ the Tinker Bells enjoying the fruits of their labor.


  1. What darling kids! Love the Peter Pan and Captain Hook. :) I just saw a pic on FB of a relative's little twin boys--one was Clark Kent and the other one was Superman. Made me think of your little twins!

  2. So cute! Emolyn's hair is getting so long...

  3. The twins are so cute Linda!!! haha, what great little costumes!!!
    I read all the posts I had missed, the blessing shower was beautiful and touching!
    I am so excited for you, good luck tomorrow and have an amazingly wonderful day!!!
    Big Hugs,
