Monday, November 05, 2012

The Wedding

Miranda & Aaron are married!

Oh my gosh ~ and what a fairytale! 
The wedding was everything & more than I could ever have imagined for my daughter. 
Beautiful, authentic, God-honoring, poignant and magical.

And that's me, mother-of-the-bride, mere moments before walking down the aisle arm-in-arm with my two sons Shawn & Tyler. I don't think I have ever felt more peace, joy and contentment. 
Truly one of the best days of my life.

Watching Miranda being given away by her Daddy brought me to tears. Ok, so I was in tears most of the ceremony! Love that my tenderhearted husband cried while sharing during the ceremony. Ok, so most everyone was crying. 

It was that kind of wedding.

Ok, so let's get started on all those Wedding/ DIY posts, shall we?! For I have oodles in the making. And you don't want to miss a single one. 
I can honestly say, every aspect of this wedding has a story to be told, 
with photos to be posted. 
I am overwhelmed with a myriad of emotions as I reflect on the friends and family that gave of themselves to love and honor Aaron & Miranda. 
Unbelievable acts of generosity, sacrifice, love and goodwill. 

But above all ~ let's praise God from whom all blessings flow!


  1. I would have loved to been there!!!
    It's a gorgeous Linda, and that pic of you and your handsome sons is just fabulous!
    Your daughter is radiant!!
    Hugs friend,

  2. It was a magnificent night and a story worth telling! Love you all.

  3. Her dress looks stunning (as does she and you)!!

  4. Miranda was beautiful and radiant as was her mother. Her father did get choked up during my sharing. Is anyone surprised? I could not have asked for a better man for my daughter to marry and a better celebration. The whole day was perfect and wonderful. It is everything I had hoped it would be and I am so blessed to have shared it with so many friends and family. I am so happy to see my daughter's dream finally come true. I am a proud and thankful Father.

