Friday, December 21, 2012

decorating Christmas cookies

Even though this was an image from last year, I really did make a similar mess yesterday. And yes, we continue to celebrate Arizona's 100th by making cactus cut-out cookies. 

But before we got down & dirty decorating cookies, we opened presents that my sister Ginny made for all the Thompson girls ~ scarves! Beautiful, soft and sassy scarves!

Emolyn & Elsie were so excited to have their very own big girl scarves just like their Mama, Mimi and Aunt Miranda! See what I mean ~ Elsie gettin' sassy with some Taylor Swift.

Ok, let the games begin ~ Shawn's prized "cruncher". Emolyn is not intimidated in the least.

Elsie doesn't see the point in going to all that work when you're going to pop it in your mouth anyways. I can see her point.

Tyler was perfecting his skills till he could work on his show-stopper.

And there you have it folks ~ upon submitting their entries on Facebook, Tyler seems to have won with his patriotic mitten. Although Shawn is demanding a recount. Good work everyone.

Meanwhile Nathan & Jonah were content rockin' & rollin 'round the Christmas Tree.

Unless they needed their Mama's attention.

Once fed and diapered, they were good to go.

Jonah's thinking that puppy on Nathan's shirt could use some brotherly love... 
in the form of drool.

Emolyn was decorating cookies long after everyone had left the table. I couldn't believe her attention to detail ~ we've got a budding artist in our midst.

In fact, she may have devoured some of her finest work. But we'll never know.


  1. I made the sugar cookies this morning and had a similar mess and it'll be just as bad when I start to decorate!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks mom for letting us invade your house :) It was so much fun!
