Thursday, December 20, 2012

12 days of sickness

I've been sick going on 12 days now... achy flu, bad cough and headache.
I know, not exactly how I wanted to spend my days leading up to Christmas.
So, indulge me while I reflect on 12 things that are probably not going to happen this year.

#1 ~ my sugar houses & vintage bottle tree collection

#3 ~ my vintage glass balls collection

#4 ~ my church village

#5 ~ my husband's n-gage train that goes around the church village

#6 ~ ice skating (just kidding)

#7 ~ Lego Advent Calendar 

#8 ~ Ikea Christmas wreath (still hanging at the wedding venue)

#9 ~ caroling at my mother-in-law's home

#10 ~ my Manzanita branch hanging over my kitchen island

#11 ~ had hoped to make this with the books I collected for the wedding centerpieces

#12 ~ Christmas baking

Oh wait. I may not be doing much baking this year, but tonight is our annual Christmas Cookie Decorating Extravaganza with the whole family. As soon as I send this post, I'll be rolling out the gingerbread dough and baking pans of cookies for the family to decorate tonight. 
So very thankful this last round of antibiotics seems to be working and I am on the mend. 

My Christmas may not look like I had hoped this year, but in light of what happened to 20 little ones and 6 adults, I can think of little else but those families in Connecticut that will never know a Christmas without being reminded of the horrific events of last week. My heart goes out to that hurting community and the healing that will be going on for years. May they see Jesus more clearer than ever before.
May we never forget to pray for those that lost little loved ones. I can't even imagine...

(all photos taken from past Christmas posts)


  1. Connie9:38 AM

    Christmas isn't about all the "stuff" we decorate with. There is a more important reason for the season. This is a tough time for many people for many different reasons. May we remember and pray for the families in Connecticut and everybody else who are in pain. Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Linda,
    I am so sorry you have been so ill. I am so glad to hear you are on the mend now. I sure enjoyed seeing all of your beautiful past Christmas decorating. Those dishes...I want!!! Big Hugs and Merry Christmas to you.
    Enjoy your beautiful family.

  3. Praying that you're feeling better every day. Love your decor, but so much more important to be surrounded by those you love. Hope to see you soon. Merry Christmas!
