Thursday, December 13, 2012

happy birthday to me

  • today I turn 56
  • I was born in '56
  • here's 56 things to do instead of spending money
  • I've been sick all week with an awful flu
  • achy, miserable and feeling rather sorry for myself
  • I never lose my appetite when I'm sick
  • food comforts me when I'm feeling bad
  • so I had smoked tomato & bacon soup at 8:30 this morning
  • hey, it's my birthday, I can eat whatever & whenever I want to 
  • cried pretty much through the entire Family Stone movie
  • we were hired by a friend to do an Estate Sale for his parents estate
  • after 2 months, 2 yard sales and 2 Estate Sale dates ~ we're finally done
  • hardest work ever
  • best experience ever
  • I never want to do another
  • never say never 
  • more changes in our future
  • praying for peace
  • my cousin got in his car yesterday and the odometer read 121212 on 12.12.12.
  • we're getting rain today and tomorrow, with snow in the high country
  • I need a road trip so I can photograph snow
  • I need to get into the spirit of Christmas. so much yet to do.
  • my twin grandsons are 8 months old next week
  • here's a photo from their 6 month photo shoot
  • Nathan & Jonah are so stinkin adorable!


  1. Linda, Happy Birthday!! I sure hope you are feeling better soon. Flu is going around here so badly that one of the schools closed.

    You look so fab in your profile shot too! Beautiful babies those boys are. Thanks for stopping by to see me. I bet you are all busy with Christmas concerts, etc. Take care:-)

  2. Happy Birthday Linda! Praying that your cold is getting better. We're getting snow in the high country! Luv you friend.

  3. Sad you're sick, but glad for all these little snippets.
