Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas owl & antlers

Last year my dear friend Rob invited me into his home to photograph his Christmas. I knew immediately it would become a tradition I would look forward to year-after-year. Rob decorates unlike anyone I know. He is such a gifted designer!
Well, this year he outdid himself. I was completely stunned when I walked through the front door. So how 'bout we take a little tour of the place so you can see for yourself.

Magical. Enchanting. 

 Lovely and captivating. 
Went a little wild when I saw how the upholstery nail heads were photographing. Love!

And the tree... oh my. I literally gasped.

Oh Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree ~ how lovely are your branches!

Rob's entire house is adorned with art and soul and style and texture. 

We've had a tradition in our home to hang the infamous Christmas bat on our tree... but never a Christmas owl. Trust me, Rob's owl is way cuter than our glow-in-the-dark bat. ha! And lest you think he's all soft and fuzzy, you'd be wrong. He's coarse and brittle. But oh what a statement he makes!

Rob uses so many interesting design elements ~ deer antlers, twigs and pinecones to name just a few.

He already knows what he's going to do next year and let me tell you ~ amazing! 
I can hardly wait to come back for the photo shoot! 

Thank you Rob! I always come away blessed having spent the day with my dear, trusted friend. 

Merry Christmas Rob & Toni ~ and a Happy New Year!


  1. Linda!!
    I don't think you've ever done a blog post about your Christmas bat tradition :)

    Get on that!


  2. Rob Brunner10:20 AM

    Linda, thank you! The blessings arrive each day through wonderful friends like you. Have a very, Merry Christmas! - R

  3. Gorgeous, as always! Maybe someday I can pay him to come and do our tree.
