Monday, January 07, 2013

my antique pump

Over the years my backyard has become a dumping ground of sorts for all things farm & country ~ a transformed shed, a vintage John Deere tractor, a milk can, mailbox, vintage garden tools, galvanized pails and watering cans...
and an old pump my Dad bought me years ago while visiting the farm in Wisconsin.

I love that old pump more than anything. I couldn't believe it when he gave it to me. And I couldn't wait for Randy & I to transform it into a working water feature for our backyard.

Randy wired it so that at a flip-of-a-switch the water starts flowin' into the pail.

Don't you wish we could do the same? 
You know, flip a switch and feel the love flowin'.
I'm so worn and weary and aware that the well is dry. I got nothing folks. 
Oh I know, it comes with being sick for so long. You feel drained... empty... and out of touch, cuz you have been out of touch with family and friends and life. And you start to doubt and fear and worry and question.

And you just want to flip a switch and feel that gush of living water flowin' through your veins.
You want to feel cleansed and renewed and energized. Refreshed and ready for whatever 2013 brings your way. Bring it on Lord. But You're going to have to do that thing You do, equipping me... for Your love to flow through me. Cuz left to myself, I can do nothing.

Today I will choose to believe by faith that God is ever present...
that I will profoundly experience the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, and be filled with all the fullness of God. Eph. 3:19
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 
"Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." John 7:38 

We've got everything we need folks. So let's do this thing called Love.

Linking this post to my favorite Linky Parties ~


  1. Are you starting to feel better? And the pump...fab!!

  2. Boy do I ever love that pump! Looks wonderful Linda! I am so sorry that you are still not feeling well. I wish I was there and could give you a hug.
    Big Hugs friend and here's to a better 2013!
