Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tale of Two Christmas Trees

I know it's way past Christmas, but I have to record this story while it's still fresh on my mind.
23 years ago my dear friend Angie & I went shopping for all the after-Christmas sales at Colonnade Mall in Phoenix. My husband was in Chicago singing at a Decade of Promise conference. And we had a deal that we would always talk before we spent a good deal of money. And you're going to laugh, but that was anything over $25.00. Oh, and I must remind you, this was before cell phones.
Anyway, Angie & I and my youngest Tyler (9 months) headed straight to Sears, because they had this awesome tree filled with carved farm & country ornaments and I wanted to buy the wooden cow in the worst way. Well, the entire tree on display that featured all my favorite ornaments was marked down to $300.00, from $900.00. Mind you, I was not in the market for a tree, just an ornament. BUT, while we are standing there they tell me it's now $150.00. Everyone that had gathered around the tree by now is looking at me like "lady, if you don't buy it, I will". Well, if you know me at all, that just made me want it all the more! But I had this problem you see, I had no way of talking to Randy about whether I should spring for such an outlandish purchase. 
But thankfully, horrific scenes of Christmas trees crashing to the floor came flashing through my mind and I quickly yelled "I'LL TAKE IT!" Yes, we've had far too many nightmarish Christmas tree memories that cost us treasured heirloom ornaments. Those painful memories definitely helped seal the deal. No more real trees for the Thompson's!
So, the Sears employees tell us to give them 2 hours to pack up the tree and ornaments and lights and garland. No problem. Take all the time you need.
Well, when we returned, they start loading up the van with this ginormous tree box, and then boxes upon boxes of ornaments and strings of lights and garland. Then they started filling the van with brand new boxes of lights and ornaments and garland, a beautiful Christmas tree skirt ... even extension cords! We calculated well over $1000.00 in merchandise total!
Needless to say, Randy was beyond excited when he got home and saw all the lovely loot.
Fast forward, a couple months later we find out that they were closing the Colannade and that's why we became the unsuspecting recipients of all the end-of-the-season Mall inventory. Thank you Sears!

I tell you that story because sadly that Christmas tree was thrown out this week. It started to fall apart a couple years ago, but I wasn't ready to let it go. It was time now.

SO, this week Tyler (now 23) and I were at Chandler Mall and I asked if he'd mind if I ran into Hobby Lobby just across the street and see if they had any trees left. Mind you, it's 2 weeks after Christmas. I walk in and ask the guy and he directs me to the tree on display that he had just put together. The last one. 7 1/2 ft. tall. And beautiful. Oh, and 90% off!! $400.00 ~ now $40.00!!! But the best part of all, Tyler was with me again! How cool is that! Made it extra special having him a part of both Christmas tree stories.


  1. I'll take it!

    Now off to search for the awesome storage container you did with salt and vintage canning lids. How did I NOT pin this before? :)

  2. What a wonderful tale of trees! Dont fret, im posting about christmas trees on friday! haha
