Friday, February 22, 2013

Emolyn's 5!

Mimi & Emolyn @ 1 month

Five years ago today this little girl made me a grandma. See, I'm already crying ;)

Emolyn weighed 2lbs.7oz. and practically perfect in every way. 
She required no machines, except a feeding tube, because sucking expended too much energy. So she had her Mamma's milk through a feeding tube and then after 5 weeks in the NICU, she went home weighing 3 1/2 lbs!
She is nothing short of a miracle and I thank God every day for her!

Mimi & Emolyn @ 1  Omg, those lips!

Mimi & Emolyn @ 2  Grandma Beckie & John's Wedding Day

Mimi & Emolyn @ 3  Cabin in Prescott

Mimi & Emolyn @ 4  Her first pie

Mimi & Emolyn @ almost 5  Christmas '12

Randy & I made her a balance beam for her birthday and wow, she is quite the gymnast!

Oh, and the bestest big sister ever!

Happy Birthday Emolyn Kate Thompson!


  1. Kathy Grayczyk9:49 AM

    Love this. You're a great grandma!

  2. I have four Granddaughters, and one just turned five! Best thing ever!

  3. Happy Birthday!! I remember when you posted about her birth and now look at her...just thriving and happy. Oh I can't wait to do some fun things with my grandgirl when she gets older. Congratulations Grandma.

  4. Anonymous11:40 PM

    oh my goodness! Not even three pounds and only needed a feeding tube? Tha really is a miracle. She is so beautiful, I love seeing the pics of you two together.

    My oldest granddaughter is also 5, Brookelyn. She has two younger siblings, soon to be three.

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