Monday, February 25, 2013

So God Made a Farmer

One year ago today I posted this video that my husband & I made on YouTube. I had heard Paul Harvey's So God Made a Farmer audio several years ago and knew that one day I would use that audio in a slideshow honoring my Dad and his dedication to farming.

I was thrilled over this past year to see that the video was averaging over 1000 views each month. And then Super Bowl Sunday changed all that. Since Dodge Ram launched their commercial using Paul Harvey's So God Made a Farmer, I have had over 15,000 views on my video alone in just 3 weeks! I've been so touched by all the affirming comments. I have also had a couple organizations contact me and ask permission to use the video for various workshops and conferences. What an honor. I think my Dad would have loved knowing that so many were appreciating the true essence of a working family farm.                 .

So, to celebrated my Dad's 87th birthday and the one year anniversary of the YouTube video, I'm reposting what I posted a year ago ~

I'm a farmer's daughter from Wisconsin. And my Dad, John Larson was the most dedicated, hardworking farmer I have ever known. He would have been 86 last week. And I am missing him, this good and kind, respected man of character, that always had a smile on his face.
When I first heard Paul Harvey's "So God Made a Farmer" speech on audio, I knew that one day I would take photos of my Dad from all his years of farming and make a video using Paul Harvey's moving narration. He delivered this speech at a National FFA Convention in 1978. I'm telling you, no one does it better than Paul Harvey. You see, we grew up listening to him three times a day on the radio ~ his News and Comment and The Rest of the Story segments are long remembered in the Larson household, and a particulate favorite with my Dad, as he always had the radio on in the barn.
And I also thought it rather ironic that my brother Ron, who would later purchase the farm from my Dad in 1988, graduated from high school in 1977 and made the decision to farm with my Dad around the time of this speech, which makes it all the more meaningful.
My Dad never really "retired" from farming. Oh, he may have milked his last cow in 1988, but continued to farm in every sense of the word till his passing in 2009 at the age of 83.
All the images in the video were taken on the farm where I grew up, by either myself or a family member over a span of 50+ years. The 350 acre farm is located along Timber Creek in Jackson County near Osseo, Wisconsin.
A big thank you to my husband Randy and son Shawn for helping me make this happen. I am so thankful to have my Dad's memory preserved in this way. I hope you enjoy it.
Be sure to turn your volume up and you can also click the square box in the lower right corner to enlarge and fill your screen. Thanks again for watching!

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