Sunday, March 10, 2013

emolyn, elsie & the boys

My granddaughter Emolyn is quite the little makeup artist. She could hardly wait to give me a little Mimi makeover. I'm rather diggin' the blue shadow.

Thank God I looked in the bathroom mirror before leaving, as I was planning to stop at the grocery store on the way home. Yikes! But you can bet the next time I see someone sporting that 70's flashback, I will remember this and give them that knowing smile.

I was so excited to bring over the water & sand table that I found at a thrift store for $15.00. And it still had the cork, which is usually missing. I know, an amazing find! The girls had so much fun playing in the sudsy water. I bought it with the boys in mind, but knowing full-well the girls would get miles out of it till the boys are good and ready. ha!

I will leave you with a 27 second video of Elsie entertaining her baby brothers ~ 
she happens to be their favorite wind-up toy!


  1. Hi Linda,
    I love those sand and water tables,great find there.
    Loving your blue eye shadow too, gosh I remember when we all thought that looked so good.
    The kiddies are all so cute, look at those twins...they sure are growing.
    Big Hugs friend,
    p.s. it's snowing again...yuck.

  2. You two are rockin' the blue eyeshadow!

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