Wednesday, March 13, 2013

my favorite colors

I am in love with these colors. Especially when I see them all together in a single item.
Blues and greens and yellow hues ~ the ultimate eye-candy.

I am never without my favorite glass of ice water. That's all I drink, all day long. So when I found one with my favorite colors a year ago, I paid full price ~ $4.00. ha!
And then I found the make up case at a yard sale for 50 cents. The perfect shades of my favorite colors. I mean perfect! I don't even use it, cuz to me it's like a piece of art. 
And then last week I found the tiered serving tray at a thrift store for $2.00. Seriously, I need another tiered tray like I need a hole in my head. But the colors! Oh those lovely colors. And because it's plastic, perfect for Arizona outdoor entertaining.

My son Tyler turns 24 on Saturday and we're having a family picnic at the park tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to decorate using these colors.

P.S. I also love my orange plastic Ikea tablecloth, with my favorite colored circles. Yup, that's coming to the picnic too. Photos to come!


  1. it will all look quite festive with those colours together! My fav's too. Happy Birthday to your son. I hope you have fantastic picnic weather!

  2. I have a friend that's re doing her kitchen in those colors! So cute!

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