Thursday, March 14, 2013

Land O'Lakes butter

Land O'Lakes butter has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, so that meant lots of butter with everything.  I don't know about you, but bread and popcorn were just a means to soak up the sweet, creamy, buttery goodness. 

I even collected enough proofs-of-purchase to get a free Land O'Lakes recipe tin shortly after my husband & I were married in 1979.

And then several months ago I "liked" the Land O'Lakes Facebook Page, and my life has never been the same. Oh my gosh, the best Facebook Page ever! Every day they post the best recipes. I'm not kidding, I not only pin most every recipe, but I've actually made several. And for me, that's a big deal. Also, pin or re-pin a Land O'Lakes recipe and they will donate 8 meals to Feeding America! How cool is that! What a generous company.

Anyway, today I was googling a dance pavilion I loved back in the 70's called Lake Shore Pavilion in Hixton, Wisconsin. I spent many Friday nights dancing to some of the best Rock 'n Roll bands in the Tri-State area. But just to show you how long Lake Shore had been in existence before I went to dances in the 70's ~ I found this Aug. 10th, 1944 advertisement in The Blair Press ~ click HERE

Oh, and check this out ~ next to the Lake Shore advertisement was this Land O'Lakes cartoon. You may be able to read it better on the actual link. How cool is that! Especially the line ~ Dairy Farmers have the best sense of humor! I could not agree more. ha!

Land O'Lakes was founded July 8th, 1921 ~ (Wikipedia)
 In 1924, the uniformly graded sweet cream butter was given the name "Land O'Lakes" after a contest, and the certificate forms used by the Association included the "Land O Lakes" marketing name ~ Minnesota's state nickname is "Land of 10,000 Lakes".
The name became so popular that the organization's public identity was often confused with its product name; thus, in 1926, the organization itself adopted the name "Land O' Lakes Creameries, Inc." and became synonymous with its product.

I can't believe my Land O'Lakes recipe tin is over 33 years old!

And Land O'Lakes butter happens to be on sale this week at my local grocery store ~ 
so I stocked up! ($2.50 per 1# box)
I am so happy when I have at least 4 1# boxes of butter in my freezer. ha!


  1. Linda, I LOVE butter and Land O'Lakes so I'll be heading off to their FB page! Thanks for always stopping by to say hi. Things get crazy here and I don't get around to visit like I would like to.

  2. This is so cool Linda!
    You should e-mail them this post, they probably would pay you to do another one.
    I spent many a night dancing it up at the Lakeshore Pavilion.
    Oh gosh that was so, so fun!
    Now Linda, there is a really cool antique store there.
    Awesome post!

  3. OK, I'm heading over to their FB page as well!

  4. Hi Linda, Land O'Lakes is my favorite too, no matter if the store brands cost less. By the way, at which store is it on sale this week? :)


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