Sunday, April 07, 2013

Flowers in the Desert

My Hollyhocks are blooming!

As I've told you before, I haven't planted any in years. They just reseed themselves and grow wherever their little hearts desire. I never know what colors are going to pop out. So every morning I am surprised by what I discover on my little walk around the backyard.

My Texas Mountain Laurel was planted in memory of my 19 year old nephew Noel, who died as a result of a basketball accident in March of '97. These were blooming all along the freeway in Phoenix at the time of his passing. And they give off the sweetest scent. 
You can read Noel's story HERE.

I took my granddaughters on a little nature walk around their neighborhood last week and captured a variety of flowers in bloom.

The colors are brilliant, bold and beautiful.

My Kalanchoe succulents are among my most favorite flower. I have had these in the ground for years. And they too multiple year after year.
Do you see that galvanized pail buried in the ground? When I found it, the bottom had rusted out to where it was paper thin. To me it was perfect. I couldn't wait to bury it in my garden for visual interest.

And speaking of visual interest... if you'll remember, I'm the one who buys bowling balls to plant in her garden. You can find that post HERE and see for yourself.


  1. I can only dream of seeing such beauty, we had snow again last night, come quickly, spring!

  2. Your photos are so beautiful! I love the one with that purple flower, especially. I feel so starved for COLOR here this time of year. Tomorrow we're forecasted to have 8" of snow. White is not exactly the kind of color I had in mind, LOL.

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