Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Nathan & Jonah @ 1

Just so you know ~ extreme amounts of cuteness are embedded in this post!

My grandsons Nathan & Jonah turned 1 the end of April.

They are really and truly the sweetest little boys ever.

And yes I have tears rolling down my cheek just thinking about the love they already have for each other, and the memories they will make in the years to come.

I can't wait to see their personalities expressed through their differences and their similarities.

I think they're praying the photo session will end soon...

... so they can play with their favorite sisters in the whole world.

Oh this family melts me. I love them to pieces.

Oh my oshkosh b'gosh ~ are they just the cutest or what!!!

Special thanks to En Love Photography ~ love your work!


  1. Linda, they really are just ADORABLE!! They look like such happy little boys!

  2. They are so darn cute Linda!
    They look just like their Daddy times 2!
    What a nice family they have, I can see why you are a proud Grandma!
    Hugs friend,

  3. Love it! Which is which? I think it's great the way the twin with the darker plaid shirt has bigger expressions that his brother. He smiles a bit bigger every time. I wonder if that's indicative of his personality? Love when he's laughing at his brother too. So sweet!

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